Being a member of the board of directors for Peace Punt Mita I have seen the professionalism and care that Terán Rojas and Associates have brought to this charity over the last five years. That period has seen Peace grow considerably however it is still a volunteer organization with a professional staff whose skill sets are not business based but teaching and educating the youth of three villages in the Punta Mita area. Gabriella, with her team, brings the needed order and clarity to our accounts in a business-like way. Without this help we would undoubtably be less effective and certainly a good deal less efficient.
Additionally, Gabriella was instrumental in improving the controls as the magnitude of the business of Peace increased substantially recently. She identified and was instrumental in putting in place controls that allows the business to function day to day but protects it from accidental or intentional fraud.
She and her firm are critical to the success of Peace and we are fortunate to have them with us.