
5 main proposals of the 2022 tax package initiative that could affect the sector of Authorized Non-Profits

Authorized Non-profits play an essential role in society, however, due to the nature of their operations they have always been a focus of attention for the authorities specialized in Tax Law in Mexico, who continue to promote modifications to the regulations according to the constant changes in the environment, for these taxpayers to carry out their operations[…]

Sat Tarjetas de Crédito



Credit Card Scrutiny and Immediate Invoicing on Bankcard Payments

Several news and information are spreading over the Internet about the scrutiny on credit cards    enforced by the SAT (Mexican Tax Administration System) on the use of credit cards, which has raised doubts and set alarms amongst taxpayers. It is true that SAT announced that starting 2020 taxpayers could be issued an immediate invoice when paying with[…]



Terán Rojas y Asociados in The Good Morning Wake up Show

“The Good Morning Wake up Show”, is the first program of Radio Universidad de Guadalajara in Puerto Vallarta produced entirely English spoken, for involving foreign residents in the activities and events developed by the University of Guadalajara in Puerto Vallarta and Bahia de Banderas region. Michael Nolan the host, is originally from Texas, USA and has been living[…]



Work risks How to identify one within your company

As it is already known, all theemployers that have employees must calculate their risk premium through an annual revision of the work accidents or sicknesses that their employees had the year before the filing of the report. The classification is established when the employer starts his/her activities in a workplace and/or the operation procedures are modified, which[…]



Factura 3.3 – What you need to know

The new version of the CFDI (Fiscal Electronic Invoice) has turned out to be a headache for some people, since the authorities have been saying that all that is needed is the RFC, but in practice this is not real. There are other fields in the invoice that need to be filled for it to be valid. These[…]



Are you a foreigner with lucrative activities in Mexico or are you a member of a Mexican Entity (ME)?

If your answer is YES to any of these situations, we present you the obligations that you must comply with.   First of all, we need to understand:   What is the National Registry of Foreign Investments (RNIE, for its Spanish acronym)?   In Mexico there is a government institution that, since 1993, has been in charge[…]



Real Estate Brokers – Subjects to the Anti-Money Laundering Law

As follow up of what has been written here in past entries , the Anti-Money Laundering Law classifies a number of activities considered as vulnerable. Among these, the Real Estate Brokers are obligated to the compliance of this Law. According to this Law, it is considered as a vulnerable activity “the common or professional provision of services of intermediation in[…]