
Vacation Period: How it influences employee productivity

What are my obligations regarding employee vacation? What are the benefits of my employees taking vacation time? What happens if I do not grant vacation time to my employees? According to the World Policy Analysis Center and the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Mexico is ranked as the country with the fewest paid vacation days […]



Labor relationships in the lodging industry in Mexico

One of the most relevant issues for foreigners offering lodging services in Mexico has been the compliance with the legal provisions that ensure the protection of workers’ rights. It is essential to mention that, in recent years, the essence of labor relations in the lodging services sector has been distorted due to unfamiliarity with the laws, inaccuracy,[…]



Declaration of real and effective use of a trademark

What is the declaration of real and effective use of a trademark? Since when is it mandatory to file a declaration of use? What happens if I fail to file the notice of declaration of real and effective use? Is there any cost for this notice? If you have a registered trademark, you will surely ask yourself[…]



Non-traditional brands: Discover what they are and their characteristics

Do you distinguish yourself easily among your competitors?  If so, you probably already have your trademark, which is easy to identify and remember among the large number of products and services offered in the market today. In Mexico, the registration of trademarks already has a long history. It is known that the first trademark registration in Mexico[…]